Register for an Event

Please register for the event using this form if you have received an invitation from a host. We will review your registration and send you a confirmation once it has been accepted. Your completion of this form is crucial, as it will guarantee your inclusion on the guest list. Upon your arrival, a front-of-house team member will assist you with check-in and guide you to your designated seats.

This is the date of the performance you wish to register for. Please be sure it is set correctly every time you register.
Name of the invited guest
We will send an acknowledgment of your registration to this email.
We may send you a text message to remind you about the show. You don't have to provide this if you don't want to.
Your employer's name
The person or company that invited you to the event
Do You Have a Guest Coming With You? Two tickets per registration max(Required)
In general, each registration is for one or two people. If you have more than two people, please put that information in the note area below.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.